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CNA Salary In North Carolina

According to a recent survey conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual pay of a certified nursing assistant in the state of North Carolina was $22,860 and per hour salary was $10.99 in May 2013. NC employed 50,990 nurse aides in the same year and employment per 1000 jobs was 12.92. The figures in indicate that the average salary of a CNA was $23,000 as of Jan 2015. It was 5% lower than the average income for job postings throughout the nation. Nurse aides selected at entry level receive a decent starting pay.

Yearly CNA Salary in NC on Different Percentile Brackets

The annual salary of a CNA based on different percentile brackets in North Carolina is shown in the table:

Percentile BracketAnnual Wages

Information Source – The Bureau of Labor Statistics (as of May 2013)

  • 90% of CNAs made less than $29,930; 10% made more than $29,930.
  • 75% earned less than $26,160; remaining 25% earned more than $26,160.
  • 50% of the employees waged less than $22,340; rest 50% were salaried more than $22,340.
  • 25% of CNAs were paid annual wages less than $19,500; 75% were paid more than $19,500.
  • 10% of employees were offered less than $17,040; 90% were offered more than $17,040.

Salary as per Geographical Location

Before beginning job hunt in North Carolina, have a glance at the table below to know the best paying cities in the state. As per the figures provided by, Charlotte, Concord and Gastonia were the top paying cities with median annual salary of $30,667 and median monthly salary $2,556. Greenville paid the lowest median annual salary of $26,534 and median monthly salary $2,211.

Name of the CityMedian Annual SalaryMedian Monthly SalaryMedian Weekly SalaryMedian Hourly Salary
Chapel Hill$30,612$2,551$589$15
High Point$29,810$2,484$573$14
Rocky Mount$28,538$2,378$549$14
Winston Salem$29,810$2,484$573$14

Information Source – (as of January 2015)

Average Salary of Similar Job Titles in NC

A certified nursing assistant performs duties according to their respective designation. The information on shows that CNA Hospice made more money, i.e. $30,000 as compared to other job titles of the state. The lowest paid professionals were Correctional Prison Facility CNA who got $14,000.

Featured Nursing Schools Near You

Job TitleSalary
CNA Sign UP Today$24,000
CNA Sign UP$22,000
Correctional Prison Facility CNA$14,000
CNA Medical Surgical$26,000
Acute Care CNA$15,000
Medical Assistant Family Practice$28,000
CNA Float Pool Riverbend$25,000
Skilled Nursing Facility CNA$16,000
CNA Neurology Riverbend$25,000
CNA Hospice$30,000
CNA Medical South$23,000
CNA Rrmc$28,000
CNA Submit Info Today$22,000
CNA CA State Prison$22,000

Information Source – (as of January, 2015)

Other Benefits

The various benefits offered to the nursing assistants provide them financial security.

  • Paid time off plans
  • Health benefits maintenance and job-protection
  • Dental plans
  • Prescription drug plans
  • Vision coverage
  • Short-term disability
  • Flexible spending accounts
  • Employee (personal) assistance programs
  • Medical Insurance

Job Outlook

The job opportunities of certified nursing assistants will rise by 21% in the near future, which will create 312,200 new positions by the year 2022. The only hindrance that might limit this growth is the dependence of nursing homes on the government funding. Nonetheless, shifts in federal, state funding and patient preferences may result into improved chances for CNAs employed in community rehabilitation services.


Question 1 What average hourly rate a CNA can expect in the state?

Answer – The hourly rate in all the cities of NC ranges from $13 to $15.

Question 2 Which is the highest paying city in the state and what maximum salary can we expect there?

Answer – Charlotte, Concord and Gastonia are the top paying cities with median annual salary $30,667 and median monthly salary $2,556.