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CNA Certification In Minnesota

The initial step to obtain CNA certification in Minnesota is to undertake nursing aide classes approved by the Minnesota Department of Health. In order to add their names in the Minnesota Nurse Aide Registry, applicants are required to pass the certification exam. Once you obtain the license, it’s essential to renew it after every 2 years to keep it active. In case of lapsed license, you will not be able to practice your nursing skills in the state.

Prerequisites to Get Nurse Aide License in MN

The candidates are required to fulfill any one of the following requisites to get registered on the Nursing Assistant Registry in MN:

  1. Completed an approved competency evaluation program and nursing assistant program in the state of Minnesota.Or
  2. Passed the competency test for nursing assistants approved by the state.Or
  3. Must be in good standing on the CNA Registry in any other state, and must have practiced nursing for at least 8 hours as a certified nurse aide in that particular state in the last 2 years.

Interstate Endorsement

In order to transfer your nursing aide license to the Minnesota Nursing Assistant Registry from another state, complete and submit the “Interstate Endorsement” application.

Download the Interstate Endorsement application using the below given link:

After filling all the essential details, submit the completed application to the following address:

Minnesota Department of Health
Division of Compliance Monitoring
Minnesota Nursing Assistant Registry
P.O. Box 64501
St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0501

Duplicate Nursing Assistant License

To obtain a duplicate certificate, contact the Pearson VUE. The copies of nursing assistant certificates are not maintained by the Registry. A certain amount of fee is charged and the license will be received only when you have tested within the past 2 years.

Name or Address Change

You must report the Registry for a name change. You need to send a copy of your divorce decree, marriage certificate, or court order demonstrating your name change. In addition, you are required to include your address and social security number on this document. To change your address, you can call the Registry.

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Nursing Aide Registry Update Form

If your name is currently present on the Registry and you require adding or changing information to your file, download and complete the “Nursing Assistant Registry Update Form” using the following link:

Submit the completed form to the mailing address mentioned above (Refer Interstate Endorsement section of this article).

Checking the Minnesota Nursing Assistant Registry

Nursing assistants, employers, and others cannot check the Registry online. However, they can check via MDH’s automated phone system and SSN (Social Security Number). Follow the below given steps to search for a license on the Nursing Assistant Registry:

Step 1 – You must have nurse aide’s social security number.

Step 2 – Call at 651-215-8705, or Greater Minnesota at 1-800-397-6124

Step 3 – Press 1 to see if your name is present on the Nurse Aide Registry.

Step 4 – Next, enter your social security number. The phone system will confirm if your name is present on the Registry or not.

Step 5 – If your name is not present in the Registry which must be present according to you, you must call and talk to the staff.

Step 6 – Call at 651-215-8705 or for Greater Minnesota at 1-800-397-6124 and stay on the line to reach the staff member.

Renewal of CNA License in MN

Nursing assistant certificates are renewed after every 24 months. You need to perform 8 hours of paid nurse aide duties every 2 years, in order to stay on the Registry. Your license will be deemed as “inactive” if you fail to provide services in the last 2 years.

Along with the renewal application, the applicants are supposed to submit a copy of their job description issued by the employer. Once the requisite documents and renewal form are submitted, it takes a minimum of 30 business days in the processing of your application.


Question 1Am I required to pay any fee to get a replacement certificate or update my nursing assistant certificate?

Answer – No fee is charged for the Minnesota Nursing Assistant Registry. You need to call the Pearson VUE at 1-(800)-274-0504 to get the replacement certificates that are available only for 24 months after the initial certificate. A certain amount is charged by the Pearson VUE to complete the process.

Question 2I haven’t worked as a CNA in the past 24 months. How can I get back on the Registry?

Answer – You can challenge the skills evaluation and written exam to get your name back on the Registry.

Contact an approved testing site for dates and fees using the following link:

Question 3The status of my Registry has been expired, but I am employed as a CNA without a 24-month gap. What do I do?

Answer – You must call the Greater Minnesota at 1-(800)-397-6124 or the Minnesota Nursing Assistant Registry at (651) 215-8705 between 9a.m. and 3p.m., Monday to Friday, for obtaining the directions.