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CNA Salary In South Carolina

A certified nursing assistant in South Carolina earned mean annual and hourly wage of around $22,240 and $10.69, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in May 2013. The number of CNAs employed in the state was 18,400 with employment per 1,000 jobs 10.08. As per the statistics provided by, average CNA salary in SC, in January 2015, was $24,000. When compared to the average salary on a national scale, these numbers were found to be 1 percent less. The major factors, that make a huge difference in the salaries of CNAs include the duration of work experience, employer, the location of work, and level of qualification.

Yearly CNA Salary in SC on Different Percentile Brackets

The annual CNA salary in South Carolina, based on different percentile brackets is shown in the following table:

Percentile BracketAnnual Wages

Information Source – The Bureau of Labor Statistics (as of May 2013)

  • 90% of CNAs were salaried less than $29,140; 10% earned more than $29,140.
  • 75% of certified nurse assistants were offered less than $24,460; the remaining 25% were offered more than $24,460.
  • 50% of the employees earned less than $21,650; rest 50% made more than $21,650.
  • 25% of CNAs were paid annual wages less than $18,800; 75% were paid more than $18,800.
  • 10% of employees were remunerated less than $16,730; 90% were salaried more than $16,730.

Salary as per Geographical Location

The working location of CNAs greatly influences their salary. In this state, Myrtle Beach paid the lowest median annual salary of $26,309 while the nurse aides employed in Greenville earned the highest annual pay of $29,742 as per the figures provided by salary .com.

Name of the CityMedian Annual SalaryMedian Monthly SalaryMedian Weekly SalaryMedian Hourly Salary
Goose Creek$29,168$2,431$561$14
Hilton Head Island$27,422$2,285$527$13
Mount Pleasant$29,168$2,431$561$14
Myrtle Beach$26,309$2,192$506$13
Rock Hill$30,667$2,556$590$15

Information Source – (as of January 2015)

Average Salary of Similar Job Titles in SC

CNAs having advanced level of certifications and experience, earn more salary. In January 2015, CNA Hospice made $31,000 (the highest paid job title). The income of CNA Rrmc and Medical Assistant Family Practice was $29,000. The salary of CNA Float Pool Riverbend and CNA Neurology Riverbend was reported to be $26,000.

Featured Nursing Schools Near You

Job TitleSalary
CNA Float Pool Riverbend$26,000
CNA Neurology Riverbend$26,000
CNA Rrmc$29,000
CNA Medical South$24,000
CNA Medical Surgical$27,000
CNA CA State Prison$23,000
CNA Submit Info Today$23,000
CNA Sign UP Today$24,000
CNA Hospice$31,000
CNA Sign UP$23,000
Skilled Nursing Facility CNA$17,000
Correctional Prison Facility CNA$15,000
Acute Care CNA$16,000
Medical Assistant Family Practice$29,000

Information Source – (as of January 2015)

Other Benefits

The certified nursing assistants are given the following privileges on a regular basis:

  • Health and life insurance
  • Pension plans
  • Paid holidays
  • Dental / vision coverage
  • Medical coverage
  • Bonus
  • Certain types of disability
  • Prescription drug plans

Job Outlook

The job opportunities for certified nursing assistants are faster than average, with a predicted growth rate of over 21% by 2022. This will generate 500,000 job vacancies for nursing aspirants. With the continuous growth of the medical field, CNAs are given the foremost priority for providing quality patient care. Choosing this career is a good idea especially for those, who are keen to work in the nursing field, but are unsure of which path to choose.


Question 1 – Presently, I am working as a certified nursing assistant in the state of Colorado, but planning to move to South Carolina and start my career there. How much hourly salary can I expect in SC?

Answer – The hourly salary majorly depends on the geographical location. It ranges from $13 to $15, where maximum number of cities offered $14 hourly pay to the CNAs.

Question 2 – Does anyone know the top and the least paid job titles in SC?

Answer – In SC, the top paid job titles are CNA Hospice, CNA Rrmc, and Medical Assistant Family Practice, who made $31,000, $29,000 and $29,000 respectively. The salary of Correctional Prison Facility CNA was reported to be $15,000.